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Painting classes and demonstrations

Cecil is also an experienced art tutor and demonstrator and has a wealth of knowledge on art techniques and art history. Delivered in his inimitable engaging style, Cecil leads a variety of workshops for artists of all abilities.
Art class at Hurstpierpoint, Sussex
Online Art class
Workshops and demonstrations for Art societies and groups
Art parties for small groups
Art class at Hurstpierpoint
Weekly painting classes at Hurstpierpoint, led by Cecil. These friendly art classes are suitable for beginners and more experienced painters. Enjoy painting with others in a modern, light-filled room, with enough space to spread out and free parking just outside. Class sizes are of of 8 - 10 Sessions start with short painting demos, presenting different materials, tools, and techniques. Students are encouraged to follow their own interests and explore new ways of working.
Online Art class
The weekly online classes started in lockdown and have proved so popular that demand means they are ongoing. Cecil provides a painting demonstration directly during each Zoom meeting, using a high definition webcam and talking about his technique and procedure as he works. Students can paint along, or just watch and then access the Zoom recording later to create their own painting. There's an active and welcoming WhatsApp group to post or share work in progress and finished work, if desired. These classes involve an exploration of an eclectic mix of paintings from artists such as Nita Engle, Georgia O'Keeffe, John Singer Sargent and Eric Ravilious, as well as some of Cecil's own work.
Painting workshops and demos for Art societies
Cecil Rice regularly runs workshops and demos for Art societies across the UK, most recently for Selsey Arts Group in March 2024. A demo can be in person or also via Zoom. If you are interested in making a booking for your 2025 or 2026 programme, please get in touch!
Cecil Rice Art parties for groups
New for 2024. Cecil is delighted to offer to lead a small bespoke painting group event. This could suit an art party to celebrate a birthday, special occasion or just a fun get-together! The workshop can take place at your own house (within 15 miles of Brighton) or I can provide a studio venue . Groups of up to six, for a very enjoyable and creative two-hour led painting session. All materials supplied. Paint a mini-masterpiece that you can frame later and keep! The only requirement is that you would like to try painting!
If you are interested, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Brighton Open House Festival
Artist of the Year 2018
Online classes
Art societies
Art Parties
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